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virtual menopause clinic
           Not sure if this clinic is for you? 
        Register for a free, 15 minute  Meet and Greet!   appointment

Let's chat and see how I can help you!

menopausal woman


Menopause: A word that is often joked about. However, the symptoms of menopause are no laughing matter.  Hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, dryness, and more can take a toll on a woman and the people around her. 

Symptoms can start in a woman's 30's and 40's (perimenopause) and can be just as bothersome as when they have reached menopause.

Many women don't have access to a comprehensive assessment and range of treatment options. 

That's why this clinic was developed! 

#treat menopause symptoms

What has menopause cost you? 

Let's work together to find effective treatment for all your menopause symptoms! 

Remember: There is a consultation fee but most lab tests are free and I can prescribe medications from your drug plan.

  • Lost time or opportunities at work?  

  • Have your relationships suffered because of your menopause symptoms?

  • No enjoyment in day-to-day life?

  • What have you spent already on treatments that haven't worked well?

Welcome to the Virtual Menopause Clinic

About Me 


Hi, I'm Roberta Heale.  I'm a nurse practitioner (NP) with close to 25 years experience in primary care. 

I am a North American Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (NMCP).  Click here to look me up in Ontario, Canada. This certification demonstrates my commitment to providing the best quality, evidence-based care. 

I am licensed in Ontario and Alberta. Diagnostic testing or lab work I order is free for patients through the provincial plans. I can prescribe medications that are covered under patient's drug plans. 

I'm excited to work with women during this important part of their lives! 

perimenopausal woman

Appointments are conducted over secure video.

Currently accepting clients from Ontario and Alberta, who are within their province during the appointment.

Menopause Messages

Watch recent webinars where I provide insight into issues related to menopause. Listen to Melissa Grelo's podcast "Ageing Powerfully" where this clinic is mentioned! 

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